The Jubilee of 2025
The Jubilee is a special year of grace, in which the Catholic Church offers the faithful the possibility of asking for a plenary indulgence, that is, the remission of sins for themselves or for deceased relatives.
A Jubilee usually lasts a year and a few days: it begins just before Christmas and ends the Epiphany of the following year.
The next Jubilee will be in 2025 and there is great expectation among the faithful from all over the world. Its importance is also recognized and respected by other faiths around the world. The last Jubilee was the extraordinary one of 2015 wanted by Pope Francis. The one that will take place in 2025 will be the second with Pope Francis.
The most exciting and well-known rite is certainly the Holy Door.
The first certain news of the rite of opening the Holy Door of St. Peter's basilica for the Jubilee dates back to 1500 with Pope Alexander VI. The Holy Doors are open only during the Jubilee year.
The beginning of the Jubilee is sanctioned by the opening of the Holy Door of San Pietro; in the following days the others are opened.
In the past the Pope gave a blow with a gavel to a partially smashed door before the celebration and the workers completed the demolition. For safety reasons, John Paul II decided to streamline the rite so as to make the door clear in advance and leave the Pope only the task of pushing the doors.
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The congress delegates have a unique opportunity to join the General Audience with the Holy Father on Wednesday, February 19, 2025 from 09:00 in the Paul VI Audience Hall at Vatican. The tickets are free, however the interest must be indicated in the Registration form.
On Sunday, February 23, 2025 you can attend the Holy Mass at St. Peter's Square at 10:00. This mass in Vatican will conclude the Jubilee of Deacons (February 21-23, 2025). At noon you can also join the Angelus at St. Peter's Square, tickets are not required.
More information can be found here.
ATTENTION: Book your accommodation in Rome soon to secure the best location and price! A list of recommended hotels can be found here.