Sponsorship Benefits

ESGO 2025 is the landmark event in the field of gynaecological cancers, don't miss out on your opportunity to join us in Rome to:


  • Showcase your role in the field to an audience of over 2500 global participants
  • Promote your products to world experts and professionals in gynaecological oncology, oncology and related professions
  • Be associated with innovative educational opportunities connecting world experts and delegates
  • Open up or build on new markets and networking opportunities with world leading influencers and decision makers
Exhibition 24

Any Questions?

To find out more about 

ESGO 2025 sponsorship and exhibition opportunities,

please contact: Zuzana Seps, Director of Congress and Educational Events

Tel: +420 725 537 730
Email: zuzana.seps@esgo.org

Message for Italian Pharma Companies (for AIFA application)

In Italy each pharmaceutical company sponsor in a meeting or in a congress on topics related to the use of their own pharmaceutical products, must submit to the competent Unit of the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) their  application to obtain a specific authorization.

This is in respect of an Italian Government Decree (Decreto Legislativo 219/06 art. 124).

The request of authorisation is to be prepared well in advance and must be submitted in AIFA within 60 days that precede the starting date of the event.


In compliance with the given instructions please contact for the AIFA application documents:

Irene Signorini

E-Mail: i.signorini@thetriumph.com

Triumph Italy Srl

Via Belfiore 9, 50144 Firenze, Italy
