
Register Now & Save!

Discounted standard registration fees are valid until February 13, 2025, 23:59 CET.

registration image (1) (1)


Important Notice: Beware of Spam and Fraudulent Messages

There are an increasing number of fraudulent websites impersonating the ESGO 2025 Congress and we would like to warn all participants to be aware of possible scams and strongly advise that you only use the official ESGO Congress Website when registering and making your hotel reservations.

Please be cautious of unsolicited messages or emails offering services or promotions. Always rely on official sources or verified platforms for accurate information. Stay vigilant and never share personal or financial details with unverified or suspicious contacts.

If you have any doubts, please contact us.

Congress Registration Fees

(in EUR, including 22% VAT)

Registration Types Early-bird Rate until December 3, 2024 Standard Rate until February 13, 2025 Onsite Rate from February 14, 2025

ESGO Member*

550 € 700 € 950 €


800 € 950 € 1,200 €


125 € 225 € 375 €


175 € 275 € 425 €


225 € 325 € 475 €


175 € 275 € 425 €

Country List A***

310 € 410 € 560 €

Country List B***

160 € 260 € 410 €

Industry Registration****

950 € 1,100 € 1,300 €

Press Registration*****

300 € 300 € 300 €

*In order to benefit from the ESGO Membership reduced rate, membership for 2024/2025 must be valid and paid.
Please note that if you have just registered and paid for ESGO membership you will not be able to register as ESGO member for the ESGO 2025 congress immediately. Please do not register for the congress earlier than 5 working days after paying the membership fee.
** Includes all physicians undergoing training in gynaecological oncology (or related specialties) in a temporary position. An official letter from the institution (PDF format) originally stamped and signed by the head of the department and confirming this status, must accompany the registration process.
*** Registration fees are based on country tiers as per the World Bank classification.
**** Industry registration - fee for company representatives (other fees are ONLY for health care professionals, clinicians, nurses).
***** Press registration is valid for the full duration of the congress, includes a Press kit and Press release prior the congress; access to exhibition area and session halls, refreshments. 


Additional Fees

(in EUR, including 22% VAT)

Mandatory Items

Carbon Offset Fee

(Services for Environmental, Social, & Governance activities)

10 €

Practice Management Services

(to cover costs of credit card transactions & bank transfers)

15 €

Optional Items

Workshops 1 - 6

February 19-20 & 23, 2025

View details here

ESGO Awareness Run & Walk 

February 22, 2025 at 07:30

(T-shirt and refreshments included)

15 €

Networking Event

February 22, 2025 at the Piper Club Roma
exclusively from 21:00 - 24:00
price includes refreshments and open bar (wine/beer/soft drinks) for 2 hours + 1 additional drink

65 €

Registration fee includes:

  • Admission to all scientific sessions (except for Workshops 1-6)
  • Entrance to poster and exhibition areas (February 20-22)
  • Headset as an opportunity to be focused on the content
  • An invitation to the welcome drink on February 20
  • An invitation to farewell drink on February 22
  • Coffee and lunch breaks
  • Congress materials
  • Access to the congress recorded sessions until May 31, 2025

Register Now!

Take advantage of our special offer to save up to 150 Euro on standard rates,

until February 13, 2025!

Cancellation Policy

All cancellations requests must be made in writing before the deadlines below to the Registration department of the Congress Secretariat at

Refund of registration fees will be as follows:

  • Cancellations received prior to November 30, 2024, will receive a full refund, less a €50 administration fee.
  • Cancellations received from December 1, 2024 until January 20, 2025, will receive 50% refund.
  • No refund on cancellations received on and after January 21, 2025.

All refunds will be processed within 3 months after the end of the event. Requests submitted after this period will not be considered.
This Cancellation Policy is also applicable to Social Events payments.

  1. Group Registration

    For Groups of more than 5 delegates, please contact

  2. Special Requests

    • Name changes

    During the registration process, it is crucial to fill out all fields correctly using Western alphabetical fonts only. A fee of € 50 + 22% VAT will apply for each amendment request.

    • Invoice change

    Invoice amendment can be requested via email by the registration owner to the Registration Department not later than January 20, 2025. A fee of € 50 + 22% VAT will apply for each amendment request.

    • Replacement changes

    Participant replacing a delegate registered with a lower registration fee is requested to pay the difference between his registration fee and the old delegate one. Early fees are NOT transferable. The Registration Department must be notified in writing not later than January 20, 2025.

    • Badge re-printing

    On-site, for the re-printing of forgotten/lost/stolen badges, € 50 + 22% VAT will be charged.

  3. Important Notes

    Participants submitting and paying their registration incorrectly will not be entitled to reimbursement.

    This will be applied also to Third Parties/Group Administrator processing the registration for their delegates incorrectly.

    These general conditions constitute as the legal basis for all registrations. Verbal agreements are not binding, unless confirmed in writing.

  4. Payment Methods

    Once you have completed your registration, you may choose the method of payment. We preferably accept credit card payments (Visa, MasterCard, Amex), if necessary bank transfer payments can be accepted until January 20, 2025.

    Bank transfer must arrive within 5 days from the date of registration and in any case before the expiry date of the selected rate. If payment is made after the deadline for the selected rate, the registration fee will be automatically updated and a supplementary payment will be required.

    Payments can be made in Euros currency only. Credit card statements will show the vendor/merchant as Triumph Italy Srl and will show the amount in Euros.

    Once payment has been confirmed, a summary of the registration will be sent to you via email.

    Bank fees are to be paid by the sender and added to the total amount of the registration.


  5. Passport and Visa

    Participants coming from EU nations and citizens of USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, do not need visas to enter Italy. Most NON-EU citizens from other countries will need a visa and, sometimes, either a declaration or a permit of stay to formalize their visit in Italy. Please consult the Italian Embassy or Consulate nearest to you for specific details related to visas and visit the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    If an entry visa is required, please allow sufficient time for this procedure: to facilitate your VISA request an invitation letter make a request by email to

    The Invitation Letter implies no obligation by the Organizers to cover registration fees, accommodation, travel expenses or any other costs connected with participation in the meeting.

    Please provide following information when requesting the Invitation Letter:

    Full name (as it appears on the  passport); Date of birth; Nationality; Passport number; Expiry Date.

Only for Italians – Public Administration:

Fatture alla Pubblica Amministrazione

Chi si registra all’evento e vuole che l’iscrizione venga fatturata ad una P.A. non può assolutamente pagare con la propria carta di credito o con bonifico bancario dal suo c/c, ma il pagamento dovrà essere effettuato direttamente dall’Ente, che dovrà anche fornire entro il 20 Gennaio 2025 un documento ufficiale (buono d’ordine) contenente i dati per la fatturazione. Oltre suddetta data non verrà presa in considerazione la richiesta, per cui il partecipante dovrà procedere in autonomia al pagamento della quota di iscrizione comprensiva di iva.


Ragione sociale; Indirizzo; Codice fiscale; P.IVA; Codice Univoco; CIG; CUP; Numero d’ordine

*IVA, se esente indicare articolo (esempio art.10 per ASL)

*Split payment (fattura con IVA, ma versamento solo dell’imponibile – IVA direttamente all’Erario)

*Fattura immediata (fattura con IVA, versamento totale dell’importo)