ESGO 2025 Abstracts Overview

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The deadline for submission has already passed on December 11. Thank you for your contributions.
Explore the list of accepted abstracts* HERE further details are available in the online programme.

* Only presenting authors that have registered by January 31, 2024, for the ESGO 2024 Congress, will be included in the final programme.

Click here to complete your registration now! Please contact the registration secretariat in case of a request for a later payment or any other queries at

Important deadlines

For Accepted Abstracts Authors (following the notification letters):

  • Deadline for typos and minor corrections within the abstract:
    January 30, 2024 for regular abstracts; February 10, 2024 for LBA


  • Deadline for withdrawing the abstract:
    January 30, 2024 for regular abstracts; February 10, 2024 for LBA


  • Deadline for presenting author change:
    January 30, 2024 for regular abstracts; February 10, 2024 for LBA


  • Deadline for submitting e-posters and amended videos:
    February 25, 2024


Please be aware that after these deadlines no changes are possible!

Format of Abstract Presentations

  • Best oral / Best LBA Session
    In each session, there will be 4 selected abstracts and 2 lectures by invited discussants followed by Q&A.


  • Mini Oral Session
    In each session, there will be 8 selected abstracts each will be followed by 2 min discussion.


  • Best Three Minute Presentations
    A special format of 12 selected presentations followed by Q&A.


  • Young Investigator Session
    At this special session, 9 abstracts will be selected for oral presentations followed by Q&A.


  • Video Session
    In each session, the chair of the session will present a video which will be followed by 4 selected video presentations, followed by Q&A.

Key Reasons to Submit Your Abstract

  • Showcase Your Research on A Global Stage: Discuss and share your findings with over 2000 international peers from 90+ countries.


  • Gain Visibility: All accepted abstracts will be published in an online supplement to the International Journal of Gynecological Cancers (IJGC)*.


  • Opportunity for oral presentation: Authors of outstanding abstracts will have the opportunity to present their work in diverse sessions at the ESGO congress.


  • Are you a fellow, trainee or under 40? Special opportunities for young investigators, who have an exceptional research, to present their work at the ESGO Congress.

Interested to explore ESGO's 2023 congress abstracts?
More than 1,000 abstracts available through IJGC*.
All accepted abstracts (including Late-breaking abstracts) have been published in the online supplement of the International Journal of Gynaecological Cancer.

Any questions?

If you have questions regarding abstracts or need assistance, please contact:

Jakub Novak, Abstracts co-ordinator

Lenka Hovorkova, Scientific Programme co-ordinator

Tel: +420 607 990 671

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