ESGO 2025, A Sustainable Congress
We are delighted to be seeing you soon at ESGO 2025!
Along with the excitement to re-connect face to face in Rome, we are aware of the environmental, economic and social impact of the congress, and aim to make it as sustainable and eco-friendly as possible for you, with a goal of lower waste and carbon emissions.
ESGO will contribute to offset your carbon footprint through a charitable donation.

Empowering A Sustainable Future
Step with us Towards a Sustainable Future at ESGO 2025!

Paperless Congress Programme
- ESGO 2025 will be a paperless congress, with no printed materials, such as the final or pocket programme.
- The information at the venue will be available only in a digital format.
- All congress materials will be available on the mobile App. Maximise your experience and get the ESGO 2025 App, available for Android and iPhone devices!
- You will be able to explore the Final programme, all speakers, browse ePosters, and add your favourite sessions to your personal calendar!

ESGO Supports Carbon Offset Projects
- Carbon offset projects reduce CO₂ emissions and support sustainable development by transferring technology and combating poverty.
- ESGO will be encouraging emission and pollution elimination through a donation via
- In 2024, we have supported the RWANDA: EFFICIENT STOVES Project.
- ESGO Council members will select the next project(s) during the ESGO Congress in Rome.

ESGO Supports Less Plastic Waste
- All delegates will receive a reusable water bottle made of sugar cane, supplied by Join the Pipe.
- Join the Pipe is committed to a world with less plastic waste, and in which everyone, everywhere in the world, has access to safe drinking water. By promoting drinking tap water from reusable bottles and refill stations we want to reduce the use of plastic. With the proceeds of our products we set up drinking water and clean-up projects in developing countries. For clean drinking water, healthy living conditions and to tackle plastic pollution at its source.

Venue Location
Easily Accessible
- The congress venue, “La Nuvola”, is one of the most iconic buildings in the city of Rome, situated at a central destination, which is easily accessible by public transportation, and reduces the need for individual taxis or shuttle, which could help reduce CO2 emissions.
- Located only a quick stroll from the EUR Fermi or EUR Palasport stops on metro line B, the city centre or main train station Termini can be reached just in 10 minutes.
- Many local buses and trams also circulate the city.

La Nuvola Venue
Sustainable and Eco Friendly
- La Nuvola presents a cooling/heating plant that uses the water from the EUR Lake for condensing, with the effect to increase the energy efficiency of the air conditioning system.
- Eco-friendly materials and innovative technological solutions are used.
- La Nuvola is equipped with a rooftop photovoltaic system capable of producing the 6% of the building's annual energy needs.
- The Cloud is equipped for waste collection through the presence of several collection points within the venue.
- La Nuvola collaborates with exclusively selected suppliers who guarantee sustainable actions and many of whom are provided with ISO certifications.
- All suppliers have to agree to the Green Public Procurement criteria of the Ministry of the Environment.

Catering, Waste Elimination & Recycling
- Menus are planned in line with the principles of the Mediterranean
Diet, favoring seasonal fruit and vegetables. - Locally sourced vegetarian food will be served.
- Recycled and eco-friendly materials and products will be used.
- The use of plastic and disposable products will be kept to a bare minimum.
- All of the coffee capsules are recyclable.
- Food leftovers will be donated to volunteer organizations, such as "Food for good" to distribute meals to those in need, see details HERE.
- The caterer collaborates with eco sustainable project Yarn Bombing which focuses on creatively reusing the plastic by producing design pieces, seats, and linings and paddings.